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Health is the highest good

Drug Aid Africa is an NGO with a primary focus on saving lives by providing medical drug supplies and support to low income patients thereby addressing the basic needs of healthcare in Nigeria and across Africa.

DrugAid Updates

Food is Medicine

Healthy Smiles and Clear Vision: Drug-Aid Africa prioritizing Eye and Dental Care

Nurturing Healthy Futures: Drug-Aid Africa ensuring Optimal Health for Children

Nigeria Floods: Bayelsa

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150 households in Mosafejo community now have insecticide treated nets.

Every month, at least 100 children living with sickle-cell anaemia get free medicines from Massey Hospital.

Our Projects

Hospital Projects

Medication Insecurity, defined as the inability to pay for prescribed medication has been one of Nigeria's greatest problems. With poverty constantly on the rise, there are more people who cannot afford to pay for their medicines.

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Project Drug-Aid Box

Health is wealth. That is why we created the Drug-Aid Box to help bring the necessary medical supplies to orphanages and Care homes. Drug-Aid currently supports over 10 orphanages and care homes with over 100 beneficiaries.

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Medical Outreach

In partnership with PSF Nigeria, Medglobe Initiative, Itel Nigeria, Elbe Pharma, Alabiamo Foundation, NEAT Foundation and Dream Catchers Foundation, Drug-Aid Africa has reached out to various communities and helped thousands of people.

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Sanitary Health

Drug-Aid Africa aims to provide free reusable sanitary pads and other sanitary products including soaps, wipes and toilet bags to girls and women in indigent communities

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Medicine for Nigeria's Flood Victims

Nigeria is experiencing its worst flooding in over a decade which has displaced millions and killed hundreds with over 200,000 houses either partially and fully damaged.

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What we do

Drug Aid Africa is an NGO with a primary focus on saving lives by providing medical drug supplies and support to low income patients thereby addressing the basic needs of healthcare in Nigeria and across Africa.

Work with us

Primary healthcare is the cornerstone of true quality health and focus must be on delivering functional primary health care centres across all of Nigeria. These health centres must be close to the people and accessible in terms of location and cost.

Work with us

Drug Aid Africa is committed to contributing to this sector through its current and planned medical care support systems and we encourage you to partner with us on this journey.

You just might be saving a life!

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